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Most traded stocks

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Hot stocks that are moving U.S. stock market for the day: The top companies and stocks on the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq Composite and the S&P  Explore stocks with significant price movement or volume before regular trading begins. U.S. Equities. Overview. Trading European Equities. Overview. About Most Active. The current, most actively traded securities on Cboe Europe Equities. Here are last month's most traded stocks per country. Several new stocks appeared on the map, such as AMD having been NASDAQ's top performer, and  9 Sep 2016 Active stocks are defined as stocks traded on the NYSE or Nasdaq that are the highest traded stock on a daily basis measured by volume. So far  Know Most Active Stocks for BSE Small-Cap in the Indian Stock Market Stats at Equitymaster.

The Top 100 Stocks page Ranks stocks by highest Weighted Alpha (measure of how much a stock has changed in a one year period). The report shows you the symbol's rank from the previous day's report. A rank of "N/A" indicates that the symbol is new to today's report (it was not on the Top 100 page yesterday). About Weighted Alpha

This is a list of most active penny stocks today sorted by volume with trading volume of at least 50,000. These penny stocks are $5 are trading on NYSE, NASDAQ  29 Apr 2019 As the social-media company continues to deliver consistent growth the stock continues to be one of the most traded stocks among investors. 12 Jan 2017 Stock exchanges are increasingly getting out of the stock trading business. As weird as it may seem, individual shares no longer are the most  8 Oct 2019 DESPITE global headwinds, eight most actively traded manufacturing stocks in Singapore averaged a 16 per cent year-to-date (YTD) return in 

These are the most heavily traded stocks on Wall Street Comments. F saw people churn their stocks. The top 10 most traded companies also happen to be mega companies (Data as of Wednesday

Download Table | The 20 Most Traded Stocks at the NYSE, 1890 -1910 from publication: Liquidity and Competition in Unregulated Markets | Despite reputedly  

The list of the most traded stocks selected by the highest trading volume during the most recent trading session shows the most liquid (most active) stocks on the market and which are also the subject to trading by big institutional investors as well as by small retail traders, long-term investors and short-term speculators.

Find the latest stock market trends and activity today. Compare key indexes, including Nasdaq Composite, Nasdaq-100, Dow Jones Industrial & more. The list of the most traded stocks selected by the highest trading volume during the most recent trading session shows the most liquid (most active) stocks on the market and which are also the subject to trading by big institutional investors as well as by small retail traders, long-term investors and short-term speculators. See the list of the most active stocks today, including share price change and percentage, trading volume, intraday highs and lows, and day charts.

This is a list of most active penny stocks today sorted by volume with trading volume of at least 50,000. These penny stocks are $5 are trading on NYSE, NASDAQ 

The list of the New York Stock Market most traded stocks (most popular stocks) is based on the past 30-day data. We show stocks' average traded price over the past 30 days and provide price filter which gives you ability to select stocks' price range you are interested in. The most active stocks by volume on the intraday level screener allows selecting the most traded stocks over the past 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. Bear in mid, that during the first minutes after the market opened, to complete the selected time-frame, previous trading session data could be involved. Most Active Stocks Today Table Description: The following table lists the 50 most active stocks today (available on major US stock exchanges).The table includes and can be sorted on: company ticker symbol, company name, activity rank (i.e. volume rank), volume (in millions of shares), and price as well as the stock’s one-day, one-month, and 12-month percent change.